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The Great Saltine Challenge

February 24, 2012
A few Fridays ago, the corps was in the office for professional development. During lunch we were casually talking about all the different Internet challenges like the cinnamon challenge, the milk challenge, and the saltine challenge. We checked out some YouTube videos of different people attempting each challenge. Some were funny, some were gross, some were intimidating. Did I mention some where gross? A few of us gagged. 

We discussed which ones we’d be willing to do. A good majority said they’d do the saltine challenge. Well fortunately enough, one of our corps members had a packet of saltines in her booksack for lunch! Thanks to Lizzy A. this challenge was made possible. And thanks to my handy dandy iPhone, I was able to record it. So, without further ado:

CY:BR Attempts the Saltine Challenge
In Service,
Jordan C.
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